Open Source Project Integrations

OpenTelemetry integrates with or is integrated into various open source projects.

Within OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry provides integration with the following open source projects.

External Project OpenTelemetry Supported Components
Apache Kafka Collector
Elasticsearch Collector, C++, Java, Python
Fluent Bit Collector
Graphite Collector
Jaeger Collector, DotNet, Go, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust
OpenCensus Collector, Python
OpenTracing DotNet, Go, Java, JS, Python, Ruby
OpenMetrics* Collector
Prometheus* Collector, C++, Go, Java, JS, Rust
Zipkin Collector, DotNet, Go, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Rust
W3C trace-context DotNet, Go, Java, JS, Python, Ruby

* Projects only partially supported at this time. Full support coming soon!

Projects are listed alphabetically

Outside OpenTelemetry

The following open source projects use OpenTelemetry components.

External Project Applicable OpenTelemetry Components
Jaeger* Collector
Spring Sleuth* Java

* Projects offering experimental or beta support. GA support coming soon!

Projects are listed alphabetically