OpenTelemetry Registry
Find libraries, plugins, integrations, and other useful tools for extending OpenTelemetry.
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The OpenTelemetry Registry allows you to search for instrumentation libraries, tracer implementations, utilities, and other useful projects in the OpenTelemetry ecosystem.
- Not able to find an exporter for your language? Remember, the OpenTelemetry Collector supports exporting to a variety of systems and works with all OpenTelemetry Core Components!
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Active Model Serializers Instrumentation
Active Model Serializers instrumentation for Ruby. instrumentation ruby -
aiohttp Client Instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the aiohttp client library. instrumentation python -
AIOPG Middleware Instrumentation
This library provides AIOPG middleware to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation python -
Akka Context Propagation Instrumentation
This library provides a Akka Context Propagation instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Akka HTTP Instrumentation
This library provides a Akka HTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Alibaba Cloud Log Service Collector Exporter
The Alibaba Cloud Log Service Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Apache Camel Instrumentation
This library provides a Apache Camel instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Apache HTTP Async Client Instrumentation
This library provides a Apache HTTP Async Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Apache HTTP Client Instrumentation
This library provides a Apache HTTP Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Armeria Instrumentation
This library provides a Armeria instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
ASGI Middleware Instrumentation
This library provides a WSGI middleware that can be used on any ASGI framework (such as Django / Flask) to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation python -
asyncpg Instrumentation
This library allows tracing PostgreSQL queries made by the asyncpg library. instrumentation python -
Attribute Collector Processor
The Attribute Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector modifies attributes of a span. processor collector -
AWS CloudWatch EMF Collector Exporter
The AWS CloudWatch EMF Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
AWS ECS Container Metrics Collector Receiver
The AWS ECS Container Metrics Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector reads task metadata and docker stats from Amazon ECS Task Metadata Endpoint, and generates resource usage metrics (such as CPU, memory, network, and disk) from them. receiver collector -
AWS Lambda Instrumentation
This library provides a AWS Lambda instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
AWS Lambda Instrumentation
This library allows tracing invocations of functions on AWS Lambda. instrumentation python -
AWS Prometheus Remote Write Exporter
The AWS Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
AWS SDK Extension
This library provides components to configure OpenTelemetry Python to generate traces which are compatible with AWS X-Ray. utilities python -
AWS SDK Instrumentation
This library provides a AWS SDK instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
AWS X-Ray Collector Receiver
The AWS X-Ray Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts segments (i.e. spans) in the X-Ray Segment format. This enables the collector to receive spans emitted by the existing X-Ray SDK. receiver collector -
AWS X-Ray Tracing Exporter
The AWS X-Ray Tracing Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Azure Application Insights Exporter
OpenTelemetry exporter for Azure Application Insights exporter rust -
Azure Monitor Collector Exporter
The Azure Monitor Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Azure Monitor JavaScript Exporter
The OpenTelemetry Azure Monitor Exporter for JavaScript. exporter js -
Batch Collector Processor
The Batch Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts spans, metrics, or logs and places them into batches. processor collector -
Bearer token authenticator extension
The Bearer token authenticator extension allows gRPC and HTTP-based exporters to add authentication data to outgoing calls based on a static token. extension collector -
Beego Instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the package. instrumentation go -
Boto Instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Boto library. instrumentation python -
Botocore Instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Botocore library. instrumentation python -
Carbon Collector Receiver
The Carbon Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector supports Carbon's plaintext protocol. receiver collector -
Cassandra Database Instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the package. instrumentation go -
Cassandra Instrumentation
This library provides a Cassandra instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Classloader Instrumentation
This library provides a classloader instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
CollectD Collector Receiver
The CollectD Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can receive data exported by the CollectD's write_http plugin. receiver collector -
Concurrent Instrumentation
This library provides a concurrent instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Couchbase Instrumentation
This library provides a Couchbase instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Database API integration
The trace integration with Database API for OpenTelemetry. instrumentation python -
Django Instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests for Django applications. instrumentation python -
Docker Stats Collector Receiver
The Docker Stats Receiver queries the local Docker daemon's container stats API for all desired running containers on a configured interval. receiver collector -
Dotnet Diagnostics Collector Receiver
The Dotnet Diagnostics Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector provides a capability similar to the dotnet-counters tool, which takes a .NET process ID and reads metrics from that process, providing them to the CLI. Similarly, this receiver reads metrics from a given .NET process, translating them and providing them to the Collector. receiver collector -
Dropwizard Views Instrumentation
This library provides a Dropwizard Views instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Dynatrace Collector Exporter
The Dynatrace Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Elasticsearch Instrumentation
This library provides a Elasticsearch instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Elasticsearch Instrumentation
This library allows tracing elasticsearch made by the elasticsearch library. instrumentation python -
FastAPI Middleware Instrumentation
This library provides FastAPI middleware to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation python -
Fastify OpenTelemetry
Fastify OpenTelemetry API integration, using the Fastify plugin spec. instrumentation js -
Filelog Collector Receiver
The Filelog Receiver tails and parses logs from files using the opentelemetry-log-collection library. receiver collector -
Filter Collector Processor
The Filter Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to include or exclude metrics. processor collector -
Finatra Instrumentation
This library provides a Finatra instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Flask Instrumentation
This library builds on the OpenTelemetry WSGI middleware to track web requests in Flask applications. instrumentation python -
Fluent Forward Collector Receiver
The Fluent Forward Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector. receiver collector -
FluentBit Subprocess Collector Extension
The FluentBit Subprocess Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector facilitates running a FluentBit subprocess of the collector. extension collector -
Geode Instrumentation
This library provides a Geode instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Go package net/http instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for trace instrumentation of net/http handlers, http transports and http trace events instrumentation go -
Go runtime metrics instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for collecting metrics from Go runtime package instrumentation go -
Go-restful Instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the emicklei/go-restful package. instrumentation go -
Google Cloud Exporters
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Monitoring/Trace Exporters for Java. exporter java -
Google Cloud Exporters
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Monitoring/Trace Exporters for Python. exporter python -
Google Cloud Monitoring Exporter
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Monitoring Exporter for Go. exporter go -
Google Cloud Monitoring Exporter
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Metric Exporter for Node.js. exporter js -
Google Cloud Operations Collector Exporter
The Google Cloud Operations Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Google Cloud Tools
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Resource Detector and Trace Propagator for Python. utilities python -
Google HTTP Client Instrumentation
This library provides a Google HTTP Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
GORM instrumentation
Instrumentation for that records queries and reports DBStats metrics. instrumentation go -
Gqlgen Instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the package. instrumentation go -
Grizzly Client Instrumentation
This library provides a Grizzly Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Grizzly Instrumentation
This library provides a Grizzly instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Group by Attributes Processor
The Group by Attributes Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector groups the records by provided attributes, extracting them from the record to resource level. processor collector -
Group by Trace Processor
The Group by Trace Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector collects all the spans from the same trace, waiting a pre-determined amount of time before releasing the trace to the next processor. processor collector -
gRPC Instrumentation
This library provides a gRPC instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Guava Instrumentation
This library provides a Guava instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Health Check Collector Extension
The Health Check Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector enables an HTTP url that can be probed to check the status of the the OpenTelemetry Collector. extension collector -
Hibernate Instrumentation
This library provides a Hibernate instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Honeycomb Collector Exporter
The Honeycomb Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector - OpenTelemetry Distro for .NET
Honeycomb's distribution of OpenTelemetry for .NET instrumentation dotnet - OpenTelemetry Distro for Java
Honeycomb's distribution of OpenTelemetry for Java instrumentation java -
Host Metrics Collector Receiver
The Host Metrics Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector. receiver collector -
Host Observer Collector Extension
The Host Observer Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector looks at the current host for listening network endpoints. extension collector -
HTTP Forwarder Collector Extension
The HTTP Forwarder Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts HTTP requests, optionally adds headers to them and forwards them. extension collector -
HTTP Instrumentation
This library provides a HTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
HTTP URL Connection Instrumentation
This library provides a HTTP URL Connection instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
httpd (Apache) Instrumentation
httpd (Apache) OpenTelemetry module to add OpenTelemetry distributed tracing support to httpd. instrumentation cpp -
Hystrix Instrumentation
This library provides a Hystrix instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Jaeger Thrift Collector Exporter
The Jaeger Thrift Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Java Instrumentation
Both auto-instrumentation and (manual) instrumentation libraries for Java. instrumentation java -
JAX-WS Instrumentation
This library provides a JAX-WS instrumentation to trace requests through OpenTelemetry. It includes support for jws as well as axis2, cxf, and metro libraries. instrumentation java -
JAXRS Client Instrumentation
This library provides a JAXRS Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
JAXRS Instrumentation
This library provides a JAXRS instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
JDBC Instrumentation
This library provides a JDBC instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Jedis Instrumentation
This library provides a Jedis instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Jetty Instrumentation
This library provides a Jetty instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
JMS Instrumentation
This library provides a JMS instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
JMX Collector Receiver
The JMX Receiver will work in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry JMX Metric Gatherer to report metrics from a target MBean server using a built-in or your custom otel helper-utilizing Groovy script. receiver collector -
JSP Instrumentation
This library provides a JSP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
K8s Processor
The K8s Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector automatically discovers k8s resources (pods), extracts metadata from them and adds the extracted metadata to the relevant spans, metrics and logs. processor collector -
Kafka Clients Instrumentation
This library provides a Kafka Clients instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Kafka Streams Instrumentation
This library provides a Kafka Streams instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
kHTTP Instrumentation
This library provides a kHTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Kotlin Coroutines Instrumentation
This library provides a Kotlin Coroutines instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Kubelet Stats Collector Receiver
The Kubelet Stats Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector pulls pod metrics from the API server on a kubelet and sends it down the metric pipeline for further processing. receiver collector -
Kubernetes Client Instrumentation
This library provides a Kubernetes Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Kubernetes Cluster Collector Receiver
The Kubernetes Cluster Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector collects cluster-level metrics from the Kubernetes API server. It uses the K8s API to listen for updates. A single instance of this receiver can be used to monitor a cluster. receiver collector -
Kubernetes Observer Collector Extension
The Kubernetes Observer Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector uses the Kubernetes API to discover pods running on the local node. extension collector -
Lettuce Instrumentation
This library provides a Lettuce instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Log4J Instrumentation
This library provides a Log4J instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Logback Instrumentation
This library provides a Logback instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Memcached Collector Receiver
The Memcached Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can fetch stats from a Memcached instance using the stats command. receiver collector -
Memory Limiter Collector Processor
The Memory Limiter Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector is used to prevent out of memory situations on the collector. processor collector -
Metrics Transform Processor
The Metrics Transform Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to rename metrics, and add, rename or delete label keys and values. It can also be used to perform aggregations on metrics across labels or label values. processor collector -
Mongo Instrumentation
This library provides a Mongo instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
MongoDB database instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the package. instrumentation go -
MySQL Instrumentation
Instrumentation with MySQL that supports the mysql-connector library. instrumentation python -
Netty Instrumentation
This library provides a Netty instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
New Relic Collector Exporter
The New Relic Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
New Relic Java Agent Distro
New Relic distribution of the OpenTelemetry Java agent. instrumentation java -
NGINX Collector Receiver
The NGINX Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can fetch stats from a Nginx instance using a mod_status endpoint. receiver collector -
Nginx Instrumentation
Nginx OpenTelemetry module to add OpenTelemetry distributed tracing support to nginx. instrumentation cpp -
OAuth2 Client Credentials authenticator extension
The OAuth2 Client Credentials authenticator extension allows gRPC and HTTP-based exporters to add authentication data to outgoing calls. extension collector -
OIDC authenticator extension
The OIDC authenticator extension allows gRPC and HTTP-based receivers to require authentication from remote clients. extension collector -
okHTTP Instrumentation
This library provides a okHTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
OpenCensus Collector Exporter
The OpenCensus Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
OpenCensus Collector Receiver
The OpenCensus Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector. receiver collector -
OpenCensus Exporter
This library allows to export traces and metrics using OpenCensus. exporter python -
OpenTelemetry amqplib Instrumentation (RabbitMQ)
amqplib instrumentation for Node.js. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry Angular Interceptor
Angular library to deploy OpenTelemetry in Angular application. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry AWS Lambda Instrumentation for Node.js
AWS Lambda instrumentation for Node.js. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry Browser Extension Autoinjection
This browser extension allows you to inject OpenTelemetry instrumentation in any web page. It uses the Web SDK and can export data to Zipkin or an OpenTelemetry Collector. utilities js -
OpenTelemetry Collector Builder
A CLI tool that generates OpenTelemetry Collector binaries based on a manifest. core collector -
OpenTelemetry Elasticsearch Instrumentation
Elasticsearch instrumentation for Node.js. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry Generic Pool Instrumentation for Node.js
generic-pool instrumentation for Node.js. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry Instrumentation for cassandra-driver
Instrumentation library for Cassandra driver. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry Instrumentation for memcached
Instrumentation library for memcached. instrumentation js -
OpenTelemetry Kafka Instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the package. instrumentation go -
OpenTelemetry pillarjs/Router Instrumentation for Node.js
This module provides automatic instrumentation for pillarjs/router and allows the user to automatically collect trace data and export them to their backend of choice. instrumentation js -
otelchi --- Instrumentation for go-chi/chi
Instrumentation for the Golang `go-chi/chi` package. instrumentation go -
otelsql -- Instrumentation for database/sql
Instrumentation for the Golang `database/sql` package. instrumentation go -
OTLP Exporter
This library allows to export data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetry Protocol. exporter cpp -
OTLP Exporter
This library allows to export data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetry Protocol. exporter java -
OTLP Exporter
This library allows to export data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetry Protocol. exporter python -
OTLP Exporter
This exporter exports OpenTelemetry spans and metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter rust -
OTLP gRPC Collector Exporter
The OTLP gRPC Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
OTLP HTTP Collector Exporter
The OTLP HTTP Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Performance Profiler Collector Extension
The Performance Profiler Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to collect performance profiles and investigate issues with the service. extension collector -
Play Instrumentation
This library provides a Play instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Probabilistic Sampling Collector Processor
The Probabilistic Sampling Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector provides probablistic sampling of traces. processor collector -
Prometheus Collector Exporter
The Prometheus Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Prometheus Collector Receiver
The Prometheus Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector. receiver collector -
Prometheus Exec Receiver
The Prometheus Exec Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector makes it easy for a user to collect metrics from third-party services via Prometheus exporters. receiver collector -
Prometheus Exporter
This library allows to export Prometheus data allowing Prometheus to query metric data. exporter java -
Prometheus Remote Write Collector Exporter
The Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Psycopg Instrumentation
This library provides tracing for PostgreSQL via psycopg2. instrumentation python -
RabbitMQ Instrumentation
This library provides a RabbitMQ instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Ratpack Instrumentation
This library provides a Ratpack instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Reactor Instrumentation
This library provides a Reactor instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Receiver Creator Collector Receiver
The Receiver Creator Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can instantiate other receivers at runtime based on whether observed endpoints match a configured rule. receiver collector -
Redis Collector Receiver
The Redis Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector is designed to retrieve Redis INFO data from a single Redis instance, build metrics from that data, and send them to the next consumer at a configurable interval. receiver collector -
Redis Instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Redis library. instrumentation python -
Rediscala Instrumentation
This library provides a Rediscala instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Redisson Instrumentation
This library provides a Redisson instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Requests Instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the requests library. instrumentation python -
Resource Collector Processor
The Resource Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to apply changes on resource attributes. processor collector -
Resource Detection Processor
The Resource Detection Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to detect resource information from the host, in a format that conforms to the OpenTelemetry resource semantic conventions, and append or override the resource value in telemetry data with this information. processor collector -
RMI Instrumentation
This library provides a RMI instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Routing Processor
The Routing Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector will read a header from the incoming HTTP request (gRPC or plain HTTP) and direct the trace information to specific exporters based on the attribute's value. processor collector -
RXJava Instrumentation
This library provides a RXJava instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
SAPM Collector Receiver
The SAPM Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector receive traces from other collectors or the SignalFx Smart Agent. receiver collector -
Scala Concurrent Instrumentation
This library provides a Scala Concurrent instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Servlet Instrumentation
This library provides a Servlet instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
SignalFx Collector Exporter
The SignalFx Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
SignalFx Collector Receiver
The SignalFx Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts metrics in the SignalFx proto format and events (Logs) in the SignalFx proto format. receiver collector -
Simple Prometheus Collector Receiver
The Simple Prometheus Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector provides a simple configuration interface to configure the prometheus receiver to scrape metrics from a single target. receiver collector -
Span Collector Processor
The Span Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector modifies either the span name or attributes of a span based on the span name. processor collector -
Span Metrics Processor
The Span Metrics Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector aggregates Request, Error and Duration (R.E.D) metrics from span data. processor collector -
Spark Web Framework Instrumentation
This library provides a Spark Web Framework instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Splunk HEC Collector Receiver
The Splunk HEC Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts metrics, traces, and logs in the Splunk HEC format. receiver collector -
Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) Exporter
The Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Exporter
The OpenTelemetry Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Exporter for Go. exporter go -
Splunk SAPM Collector Exporter
The Splunk SAPM Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Spring Instrumentation
This library provides a Spring instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Spymemcached Instrumentation
This library provides a Spymemcached instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
SQLAlchemy Instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the SQLAlchemy library. instrumentation python -
Starlette Instrumentation
This library provides automatic and manual instrumentation of Starlette web frameworks, instrumenting http requests served by applications utilizing the framework. instrumentation python -
StatsD Collector Receiver
The StatsD Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector ingests StatsD messages. receiver collector -
System Metrics Instrumentation
Instrumentation to collect system performance metrics. instrumentation python -
Tail Sampling Processor
The Tail Sampling Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector samples traces based on a set of defined policies. processor collector -
Tanzu Observability Collector Traces Exporter
The Tanzu Observability (Wavefront) Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Tornado Middleware Instrumentation
This library provides Tornado middleware to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation python -
Trace ID aware load-balancing Collector Exporter
The Trace ID aware load-balancing for the OpenTelemetry Collector. exporter collector -
Tracing Instrumentation
Utilities for adding OpenTelemetry interoperability to tracing. instrumentation rust -
Twilio Instrumentation
This library provides a Twilio instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
URLSession Instrumentation
This library provides a URLSession instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation swift -
Vertx Instrumentation
This library provides a Vertx instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Vertx Reactive Instrumentation
This library provides a Vertx Reactive instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation java -
Wavefront Collector Receiver
The Wavefront Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector. receiver collector -
Windows Performance Counters Collector Receiver
The Windows Performance Counters Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector captures the configured system, application, or custom performance counter data from the Windows registry using the PDH interface. receiver collector -
WSGI Middleware Instrumentation
This library provides a WSGI middleware that can be used on any WSGI framework (such as Django / Flask) to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry. instrumentation python -
Zookeeper Collector Receiver
The Zookeeper Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector collects metrics from a Zookeeper instance, using the 'mntr' command. receiver collector -
zPages Collector Extension
The zPages Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector serves zPages, an HTTP endpoint that provides live data for debugging different components that were properly instrumented for such. extension collector